Behaviour and Discipline Policy
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) PolicyCharges and Remissions Policy
GDPR Privacy Notice for Students
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
Peer on Peer Abuse - Safeguarding FocusPSHCE Learning Journey - Year 7 - 11
Pupil Premium 2019-20 Review and 2020-21 Strategy
Pupil Premium Outline and Statement 2020/2021
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2021-2024
RSE Policy - October 2021Safeguarding and Child Protection PolicySocial, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual Education and British Values PolicyTeaching, Learning and Assessment Policy
If you are not satisfied or have concerns about any aspect of our practice, please let us know. You will always be listened to and your complaint will be treated seriously. We will do our best to resolve the situation.
Please contact Tierney Gilbert with your complaints or concerns: tierney.gilbert@beaconhigh.org