Our Governors


                                     Governing Board Members                     
Tim Archer Co-opted Governor, Chair Beacon High Governing Board, Chair Inclusion & Safeguarding Committee, (Interim) SEND Lead Governor
Alan Streeter Headteacher
Mary Berrisford  Co-opted Governor, Chair Finance, Resources & Risk Committee
Lauren Hitchman  Co-opted Governor
Greg Cohen Co-opted Governor
Panos Nicolaides Co-opted Governor
Paul Convery LA Governor, Safeguarding Lead Governor
Mohamed Abdelmula Staff Governor
Angie Cord Co-opted Governor
Jaimee Lazarus Staff Governor
Dan Shotter Parent Governor, Vice Chair Beacon High Governing Board
Steven Redelman Parent Governor
Arman Osmany Staff Governor
Vacant Parent Governor



Minutes of Finance Resources & Risk Committee

Minutes of Inclusion and Safeguarding Committee

Minutes of Curriculum and Standards Committee

Minutes of Full Governing Body 

Important Documents

Becoming a Parent Governor

We currently have a vacancy for:

Parent Governor

When there is a vacancy for a Parent Governor the Headteacher will let all parents of students at the school know that, if interested in the role, they should write to the Clerk to the Governors for further information.  If there are more nominations than vacancies, arrangements will be made for an election to take place.

For further information, please email:  hilary.furey@beaconhigh.org

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