
Pupil Premium & Catch-Up Funding

Pupil Premium & Catch-Up Funding

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2021-2024 - Academic Year 2023 ReviewPupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2024-2027

Beacon High Pupil Premium Outline and Statement 2020/2021

Beacon High Catch-up Premium Statement 2019-2020

Beacon High Year 7 Catch-up Premium Statement 2020-21

The Catch-Up Premium provides schools with an additional £500 for each pupil who was deemed to be ‘not secondary ready’ in reading and/or mathematics at the end of Key Stage 2.

In 2019-20 funding allocation for Beacon High to support pupils’ eligible for Catch-Up Premium was £4256.

There is no separate funding for Year 7 in 2020-21.

The school is accountable for how it has used the additional funding to support the achievement of eligible pupils and the Headteacher reports to the governing body and parents on how effective the interventions have been in achieving its aims.


The objective at Beacon High is to ensure that these students make the rapid and sustained progress necessary to bridge the gap in progress as compared to their peers. We aim to accelerate the progress of these students by ensuring that their individual needs are met and appropriate and timely interventions are used, when needed.

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