English as an Additional Language
Our Induction scheme at Beacon High is currently separated into three tiers. This is to allow EAL pupils with low proficiency and who need longer time in induction; before transitioning into mainstream, the opportunity to gain as many of the foundation language skills as possible.
Pre-Induction stage
The first tier mainly focuses on the teaching of phonics and is most appropriate for CEFR (A1) students who have no or limited ability to read and write in their home language. Students are taught decoding skills and vocabulary development through:
- Phonological awareness
- Metacognition
- Automaticity
Mother tongue support is also available from peers and bilingual resources. Furthermore, all new arrival students are issued with a starter/induction pack which includes a Welcome Booklet Beacon High Orientation Guide, a bilingual dictionary, a vocabulary book and a dual language subject specific glossaries and resources.
Main Induction stage
The second tier is a comprehensive course in subject specific vocabulary aiming to provide students with a foundational understanding of the language used by all of our school’s curriculum subjects. This class is most appropriate for proficiency (A2) pupils who are completely fluent at reading and writing in their Home Language and proficiency (B1) students.
Post induction stage
The third tier is supplementing the main Induction stage and is available for all students who we feel will benefit from the extra time with the EAL Department. We believe that this extended structure allows our EAL pupils the best opportunity to obtain foundational language skills, offering them the best chance to succeed in mainstream education.
Common European Framework for LanguagesEAL Information
Google translate
Google Translate allows translation of documents and entire websites, as well as words typed into the translation box. To support our parents/carers who may have English as an Additional Language, we have added the link for your use. Just type in the words you want to translate, select the language you want to translate them into, and click Translate.