Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
At Beacon High, we offer independent and impartial careers education, Beacon High acknowledge and support the development of high aspirations among our young people. This is done by providing each and every student from Year 7 to 11 with well-informed advice about the future, that breaks barriers and stereotypes and encourages a flexible and ambitious approach.
Training providers and institutions are welcome to contact the school to arrange presentations and involvement with careers at Beacon High.
Careers and Progression Provision at Beacon High 2024/25
Mohamed Abdelmula - Assistant Headteacher
At Beacon High we believe that aspiration is crucial to success both personally and academically. Our students should be given every opportunity to gain the skills, knowledge, qualifications and aspirations to be highly successful in their future careers, regardless of their starting points and backgrounds. High quality careers education and incisive information, advice and guidance about pathways at post-16 are essential to students gaining access to their chosen career and being successful throughout their working life.
Work is a social good; it is essential to economic stability and personal wellbeing. Furthermore, a clear sense of future goals and aspirations enhances students’ ability to make important choices when progressing between phases of education and motivates them to work hard when studying for qualifications. Our provision therefore needs to ensure that students:
- aspire to a career that is rewarding and allows them stability and independence;
- understand their options and different paths to further study and work, and can plan the steps they need to take;
- are inspired about new opportunities they might not have known about (or that might not exist yet), or thought they could not achieve;
- understand their knowledge and skills and how they can be developed and used in the workplace.
All schools in the UK are now required to meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance
All students have an entitlement to 100 hours of careers education by the end of Year 11. In order to achieve this goal, there is a core of activities that all students have access to; these are shown on the CEIAG Learning Journey. These activities alone exceed the 100 hour target. In addition, students can access many additional opportunities through extra-curricular provision, work in options subjects and via targeted interventions.
Careers in the curriculum is essential to inform young people of where their studies could lead. All faculties have planned into their curriculum, careers related learning across Key Stages.
We also work closely with the local authority and post-16 providers in the local area to ensure students have access to high-quality opportunities and up to date information, advice and guidance. Fruitful links with universities and apprenticeship providers are being forged, which will further enhance our provision.