
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Beacon High – An Inclusive School for All

Beacon High, like all Islington schools, is committed to meeting the needs of all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Our expectation is that all students with SEND will receive an education which enables them to make progress so they:

  • Achieve their best and reach their full potential
  • Become confident individuals leading fulfilling and independent lives
  • Make a successful transition into adulthood whether into employment, further/higher education or training

We will endeavour to ensure that all students with SEND get the support they need to achieve these objectives – this means doing everything we can to meet the student’s special educational needs. 

What is the most recent feedback from Ofsted about the SEND provision at Beacon High?

Beacon High had an Ofsted inspection in May 2019 and they made the following comments in their report:

“Pupils with SEND benefit from effective support. This helps them to access the full curriculum and develops their social skills well."

“Leadership of SEND is effective. Leaders have high aspirations and arrange well-tailored support for all pupils with SEND. As a result, they make good progress in their personal development.”

“Small group, one-to-one teaching and in-class support for pupils with SEND are effective. This helps them to make strong progress, catch up and, over time, sometimes overtake their peers."

“Pupils with SEND generally make similar progress to their peers. Within the small-group bespoke classes in Year 7 and other specifically targeted interventions, they make good progress.”

SEND Learning Journey 

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