
Beacon High is a community school located in North London. It is part of other networks.

Working at Beacon High is exceptionally rewarding. Many of our students come from very disadvantaged backgrounds and our role is to nurture their self-belief to help them build a successful future and to 'Believe, Belong, Become'. Staff at Beacon High really do make a difference to the life chances of so many young people.

Our expectations are high both for students and staff and we work hard to continually improve our practice for the betterment of all students. Many staff have been promoted internally and we are committed to the professional development of all our staff through a range of high quality CPD. Colleagues who embrace the Beacon High ethos will have a wealth of opportunities to support them in the development of their career.

Thank you for your interest.

Beacon High is committed to safeguarding; we do require DBS certificates for all staff and stakeholders working with our students and complete barred list checks. For more information on our safeguarding policy, please contact us. 

Safer recruitment is an important aspect of protecting and keeping children/young people safe. It applies to all employees/volunteers who have contact with, and access to children/young people. They are also people who children/young people see as safe and trustworthy. 

Safer recruitment processes are critical in reducing harm that can be caused by staff/ volunteers. Because those already involved in abuse, or those disposed to do so, are extremely difficult to identify all employers must do their utmost, through good practice and vigilance, to make it as difficult as possible for abusers to obtain access to children. 

CPD Oportunities

Beacon High is committed to providing opportunities for all staff to continually update their knowledge and skills with a view to improve Teaching, Learning and Assessment so that there is a maximum positive impact on students’ learning, progress and achievement. Moreover, we recognise the contribution effective CPD makes to improving and maintaining staff morale, and to the recruitment and retention of teaching staff.  


Application forms

Application Form - Teaching StaffApplication Form - Support StaffRecruitment Privacy Notice 2019

Application form - Teaching Staff

Application form - Support Staff


Beacon High is a vibrant and exciting place to work, with a staff team who are committed to  making a difference to the lives of young people. Staff are proud to work at Beacon High. The school provides outstanding professional development for staff at all levels.

‘Beacon High is a caring school. Pupils are polite and considerate of others. Staff provide high-quality care, which makes pupils feel safe. Pupils want to do well and generally work hard. Staff reward pupils’ positive behaviour and effort with achievement points. There is a culture of celebration that encourages and motivates pupils.’ (OFSTED, November 2022)

Beacon High is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity and to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. An enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) with barred list check is required for all successful applicants. 

In line with KCSIE 2022 and safer recruitment practices, the school will conduct an online search for all shortlisted candidates. The online search is part of our safeguarding checks and will seek publicly available information on candidates' suitability to work with children. Shortlisted candidates will be provided with further guidance and will be asked to clarify their online presence.

The online search is done on publicly available information and care will be taken to avoid unconscious bias and discrimination. Therefore, only information relating to suitability to work with children will be disclosed to the selection panel.

We currently have vacancies for:

Casual Exam Invigilators

Salary scale: SC3
Start Date: Summer Term 2025

The individual in this position provides invigilation for examinations at the school. The exam invigilator is responsible for picking up the exams material prior to the exam, distributing the material to the candidates, supervising the exam for the duration of the scheduled time and returning all exam materials to the exams officer at the end of the allocated time.

Exam Invigilators Job Description

Application form - Support Staff

Attendance Officer

Salary scale: SC6
Hours: 35 per week
Contract: Permanent/ Term Time only
Start date: A.S.A.P

Core purpose of this job is to increase the student attendance levels at Beacon High Responsible for completing student attendance records and the monitoring of student attendance. To carry out first day absence calls and correspondence to parents and authorities. To reduce the number of late students attending school. To prepare reports and analyse the attendance data.

Attendance Officer Job Description

Application form - Support Staff


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